Welcome to Rehab & Relapse
A book lover’s journey to creating a space where memories of reading experiences can live and be shared.
Rutendo is a book reviewer, poet, author, and storyteller from Harare, Zimbabwe. She enjoys exploring various genres and enjoys books by African writers. She has written about her reading experience for Mosi Oa Tunya Review, a multilingual pan-African online literary magazine from Zimbabwe. Rehab and Relapse was nominated for a 2021 Afrobloggers Award in the Book Reviews category.
Her short story ‘Herald of the New Times’ was shortlisted for the Intwasa Short Story Competition Prize in 2020 and subsequently published in the Intwasa Short Stories: A Short Story Anthology (OSISA, 2021). Her poem, ‘Ablution’ was published in the One Poem Anthology: Poems From Zimbabwe - Survivor’s Edition (Tsonga Mukololo Publications, 2020). In 2021, her short story ‘Visiting Hour’ was shortlisted and awarded a prize in the Hamwe Short Story Competition and will be published in an upcoming anthology in 2022.
When not reading or writing, Rutendo can be found sailing in creative spaces, with a cup of coffee in hand, of course!
Blog Author's image by Wonai Haruperi.
All illustrations by Vimbai Chimanikire.